Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Men's Style Steals of the Day from SSense

The Overachiever Male is never afraid to buy his outerwear post season. Stock up on timeless style staples: cardigans,overcoats, and knit outerwear in dark or neutral tones. Ladies love a well dressed man!
WAS $869.00 NOW $348.00 Was $375.00 Now $263.00  WAS $649.00 NOW $130.00WAS $392.00 NOW $78.00WAS $678.00 NOW $136.00WAS $164.00 NOW $49.00WAS $598.00 NOW $120.00


Clothes are inevitable. They are nothing less than the furniture of the mind made visible. ~James Laver, Style in Costume

RF/EVO-IFC/Be your own brand!

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