Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Richie Rollercoaster

Whether it was the daily parade of tabloid madness or maybe the harmonious combination of married life and motherhood, the Richie Rollercoaster has been derailed. The doe eyed Diva has finally launched The House of Harlow 1960 with co-designer Pascal Mouawad. With the most recent announcement of her second pregnancy, Nicole will venture into the un-treaded textile territories of maternity apparel. Honestly, I think she's the right woman for the job. Richie has grown into a woman that the paparazzi has to respect, because the calmness of her new image demands it. Motherhood has matured her, yet her fashioin insight could possibly lighten the angst surrounding the prego fashion faux paus of elastic waistbands and baby doll tops. We'll keep our fingers crossed.......

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